Archive for July, 2011

July 28, 2011

Introducing Emma a.k.a Little Bundles a.k.a @littlebbunting :)

Based in the heart of rural Northumberland, Little Bundles designs and creates handcrafted bespoke fabric bunting for all occasions.

Ok, so i’d been looking for ‘the perfect bunting’ for little D’s bedroom for yonks, that long that I gave up… until last week when a lovely lady named Emma a.k.a @littlebbunting began to follow us on Twitter… now I have found ‘the perfect bunting’!

As bunting becomes more and more popular Emma is always trying to stay ahead of the game by designing and creating new motifs and themes for her bunting. What ever the occasion Little Bundles, will be able to create the perfect bunting.

I asked the lovely Emma to send me some images, she shyly only sent a few (I don’t think she wanted to show off)…

Emma may have only sent me across a few pics but I couldn’t resist showing you a squillion others, they are all just too yummy to ignore!

For the little dudes…

For the little ladies…

For the glamorous campers…

free bag too… look >

Emma offers a bespoke service and you’ll be pleased to know that the limited editions are now available to hire too! Little bundles bunting can be used for weddings, parties, birthdays, events and by corporate users.

Emma was quizzed a little…

How did little Bundles begin?

“I’d been looking everywhere for personalised bunting for my daughters birthday, back in 2004; all I could find was generic bunting in basic colours from companies who only wanted to sell me what they stocked, no-one was prepared to source fabric and create me a unique design. It was my, then 4 year old daughter who announced to everyone that “mummy” was going to make her bunting! I have always had a creative flair so I thought, why not?”

What is the most unusual use you’ve seen for bunting?

“My own Union Jack bunting wrapped around a bride in a “Cool Brittania” photo shoot by Assasynation at Danby Castle. It looked spectacular! I think every bride should wrap herself up in bunting!”

Tell us something unusual about yourself…

“I think my life has been unusual! I’ve moved around a lot, both in the UK and abroad – total of 12 years living, working and back-packing, in four continents and having to learn two languages! At times it was very tough, especially living overseas, bringing up two young children without a family support network, but I believe that life is what you make it, I’m a determined grafter… whatever you put in, you will reap the rewards. We’re settled now in Northumberland, living in a converted Victorian Chapel (which has taken lots of time and energy), with a beautiful garden with raised Victorian vegetable beds, a log cabin, a fire pit and a totam pole! I’ve never been happier!”

Bottom Line…

Emma Rocks and so does her Bunting!

You can contact Emma here Tel: 07963 542313

You can vote for Emma’s Little Bundles in the great exhibition 2012 here: British Bunting

July 26, 2011

If only our dreams were as innocent…

Love to: Piccsy

My friend’s little girl just told her “I had a dream about a monkey named yoghurt and he had a little steering wheel”, I hope things stay that simple for her when she grows up!


July 26, 2011

Can someone teach me how to make these please… and fast!

Love to:

I want to make hundreds of these, fill a room full of them, then when i’m annoyed go and throw myself in and lock the door behind… end of discussion.








July 25, 2011

A tired little fairy…

Balancing a 4 day working week, playing mummy and starting up a new business was always going to be hectic and exhausting, but a quick peak around at what matters the most, I can smile and just say to myself ‘keep calm and carry on’.

Today has been a long day playing momma to little D… I’m thoroughly shattered from the playing, building, cooking, walking etc… I may look like a tired little fairy on the outside but on the inside i’m glowing. Being a mum is the most rewarding job in the world!

J x

Love to: thesecrethermit

July 25, 2011

Happy Monday…

Love to

To sum up my Surprising mood for a Monday :)  Jx

July 22, 2011

Keep calm…

Love to:

I need to get this on a print… it makes me chill out when I have a cloudy head Jx

July 22, 2011

First thing to make me smile today Jx

Love to:

July 21, 2011

An adventure for two…

I’m sure some of you will be aware that J has been on her own over the last month or so due to a massively busy schedule on my part. And although I have been involved in some of the major decision making… J has spent much of her spare time building the company – to which I owe her a lot!

In what seems to have been a whirl wind friendship, J and I have developped a special bond and I know that she has been happy to take the slack up until now. You are no longer on your own!

Together we have bounced ideas off one another and it seems we have decided where and what our starting point shall be! The next few months will be strenuous and tasking, and if it wasn’t for the dedication of J I wouldn’t have the confidence I have in our ability to succeed!

To my colleague, my friend, my rock – thank you…X

July 21, 2011

Gingham will DEFINITELY be a range for us! xx

Love to:

July 21, 2011

Beautiful xx

Love to: